What’s a mom to do when you feel like running the family has gotten to be too much?
And is this feeling normal for you, a once-in-a-while thing, or a couple times a week?
Check in with yourself – see where you’re at – and let’s get started.
‘Cause you’re going to get some uplifting from today’s talk.
Yes, destiny
First things first, we’ve got to talk about destiny. You know what? Dealing with your particular family – it’s not too much. You can do this.
And here’s why I know this….
- God created you for it. He knew you’d be doing this, long before you were born.
- God paired you with your kids. It wasn’t random – and that’s encouraging, isn’t it?
- You have a mom intuition. An inner compass. Use it!
Simply put, you have certain gifts, focuses, and abilities that your kids were meant to learn from. And you have the know-how inside to detect when your family is drifting off track.
So embrace your knowledge (and power), stop second-guessing yourself, and start moving in the right direction (yes, that one you’ve been wondering about).
Simplify ruthlessly
Now to get there, with all the stuff you’ve got going on, you probably do need to make some changes. That’s perfectly normal.
Here’s what I’m going to suggest: Make it easier. Just make it easier. (Ruthlessness helps.)
Your top priority? Does this outing, commitment, or use of free time propel me or my family forward? (According to your mom intuition, remember.)
If your answer is a maybe, or a no – cut it. Drop it. Make room for the essential.
‘Cause the essential’s already in there, hiding in your to-do list or calendar, but it’s got to breathe. Or you won’t take joy in the doing.
So get out your mom wand and start zapping commitments, chores, and calendar activities that don’t meet those standards. Hey – it might even be fun!
You have certain gifts, focuses, and abilities that your kids were meant to learn from.
Try something fun
Lastly, it’s not all deleting and editing here. Try this to finish off your funk:
Inject specialness into your family’s day.
- What part of the week is the kids’ favorite?
- Which is yours?
- What new (or ongoing) family tradition would you love to be the highlight of their growing up years?
It’s time to brainstorm, plan, and have fun with it.
‘Cause these are going to be their memories someday, so they might as well be good ones.
(Just a note: This isn’t about adding something to your plate. It’s not another should. Think of this as an opportunity for your family to be about something fun – to have a tradition you cherish.)
Once you’ve picked your special outing, meal, or routine, celebrate it regularly. Weekly, if possible.
Think outside the box:
- Breakfast at a restaurant?
- A game in the afternoon?
- Friday night movie nights count.
- What about a silly stoplight game whenever you’re driving them somewhere?
- Pancakes for breakfast every Saturday morning?
- A wild game of tag to wake them up on the weekends?
Your kids are going to love it – and you will too.
So here’s your homework for today:
- Affirm your God-given gut feelings.
- Slash as much as you can from your to-do list, calendar, or planner.
- And then pick one thing to do with your kids every week that you all enjoy.
That’s it – but it’s going to make a big difference in your ability to mentally handle the role of family CEO. You’re going to make it – I know it.
Go out there and live well!