Have you ever wondered what *your* coaches are spending money on? What *they’re* investing in?
Well, wonder no more, because today I’m sharing with you the latest membership I just joined (well actually, re-upped), and how you can use my decision-making process on your own next “join this or not” investment!
So, here’s the back story.
I’d been homeschooling for, let me see, 8 years by that point. And I had never, not once, signed up for any sort of homeschool co-op, listened to a homeschooling podcast, or gotten some mentorship on a regular basis from a homeschooling coach. For 8 years.
And last summer, as the school year was about to start, I realized that this was crazy. I was about to start high school (I mean, my kids were). I was about to shift into a new phase of homeschooling.
And I realized, that what I *really* wanted (even though it felt indulgent), was to have someone to bounce all these “how to homeschool high school” ideas off of. (And even more, my worries!)
And that was when I happened across a homeschooling monthly membership site.
I thought, “Aha! This is what I’ve been looking for, without knowing it!” And promptly signed up on their new members’ discount for 6 months.
It was great – I was soaking all the learning, watching all the coaching calls, and really immersing myself in this advanced homeschooling world.
I could see a lot of progress in my mindset as a mom, my confidence that I could indeed successfully get my teens through the college prep years, etc. etc.
(Some of this even spilled over onto the younger grades I was homeschooling – which was a bonus!)
It was all great – until I came to the end. Until my 6 months were up. And then I was left thinking, is this all there is? Wait – I’m not done yet!
I’ve learned your techniques, I’ve put them into practice, and I’m starting to get the hang of this whole thing.
But I’m not there yet! I still want some hand-holding while I’m practicing this homeschooling through high school thing!
I mean, it’s only been 1 year – what about next year? What about 10th grade? What about as we get closer and closer to actual college?
So I was left with a dilemma: should I leave the membership, saying I’d promised myself 6 months at the start, and hold to my timeline slash container limit?
Or should I ask myself what I wanted *now* (which I already knew was just a little bit longer in this coaching program), and go ahead and gift myself a few extra months of support and learning?
I chose the latter.
Because there’s a time gap between cramming your head full of knowledge and actually living it out, I’d discovered. And I was only partially through that “living it out” process. I hadn’t even been doing this for a full year.
And so, I chose to invest in myself. To invest in a more confident mom for her kids’ education. Which is really an investment into *their* futures as I support them all the way to college.
So next time you’re faced with that “should I purchase or should I not” decision about a course you’re in, or a live program you’re taking, or a monthly membership site you’ve joined – ask yourself this.
- Do I just need a little more support?
- Have I integrated everything I learned yet?
- Would 2 or 3 more months be just the ticket to make me feel confident that I can do this on my own after that?
Because you get to invest in yourself to make things easier for you (and to gain access to other people’s wisdom).
It’s not about cramming the most amount of knowledge into the least amount of time.
That’s not the route to lasting change.