Let’s talk about the good part of your week.
Where did you win by delegating something to your kids? Either that you were totally out of energy for, or that you were so proud of them for doing? (Yes, it can be both!)
I’ll go first.
You know what I loved about my week?
Walking past the kitchen on my way to another chore and seeing a kid already in there, chopping the veggies for tonight’s meal.
Seeing my daughter scurry out of her room before the timer went off to put the dry ingredients into the breadmaker between client calls (so I could recenter and send action items, instead of worrying about food prep!).
Leaving instructions with another kid to scrub the potatoes and start them in the Instapot so we’d be ready for a baked potatoes supper (while I go do something else).
Which task did you hand off and find out they’re actually ready for?
So. Back to you. Where did you enlist the littles (or not so littles) to give yourself some breathing room this week?
- Did you ask your 6-year-old to bring the finished dryer laundry to you on the sofa?
- Did you give your 4-year-old a stool and the silverware containers from the dishwasher, so she could put the spoons and forks in the drawer for you?
- Or maybe you’ve got bigger kids – you asked the 9-year-old for help watching the pot so it didn’t boil over (with strict instructions to stir the pasta every 3 minutes) so you could go take that bathroom break you really, really needed?
Which task did you hand off “just this once” and then find out they’re actually ready for it?
Good for you – now pencil in a “train on bathrooms or pot stirring” reminder for yourself, and go enjoy that delegated life!