Maybe you’ve really been enjoying this professional development time creating your side hustle. Maybe you’re just bursting with self-improvement ideas since you started this business.
But also, maybe you feel like your husband is kind of giving you the side eye every time you start talking about the latest tweak you’re making to your business offerings or launch plan.
Maybe you’ve gotten scared to share with him this part of your life.
Maybe there’s a lot of fear and anxiety coming up over that.
Let’s just lean into that fear, find out what’s going on underneath, and then solve whatever it is for you. Okay?
So here’s your first journaling question on this: What are you scared is going to happen to your marriage if you start making changes? (To your life, your schedule, your availability to do housework, all that nitty gritty #momlife stuff.)
And the second one is this: Are you afraid of getting pushback from a husband who isn’t used to thinking of you as having a purpose?
And the third one is: Are you scared to ask for things for yourself – because it used to be that your only role was to serve your family, aka never have needs of your own?
Pretty heavy stuff, I know. But starting a business – any kind of business – entails getting into all this self-perception and changing of roles and all that stuff, which is why we need to go there.
Particularly if you’re getting all worried over what your side hustle could or would do to something as foundational as your marriage.
So again, let me just encourage you – hit rewind, write down those three prompts, and work through them on your own time to find out what’s causing all this worry and stress in your head about your marriage as an entrepreneur.
You *have* to find these things out. You *have* to discover what’s going on underneath.
Because otherwise, you’ll self-sabotage the successful business you could have had just to avoid having to deal with the marriage problems that *might* lurk underneath.
But you don’t know that for a fact – you’re just scared of it.
So take these prompts, use them to bring your own marriage-related anxieties into the light, and walk out the other side knowing that you *don’t* have to sacrifice your marriage to success.
You *don’t* have to compromise your most important family relationship to become an entrepreneur.
All that’s required of you is to lean into the anxiety each and every time it arises, and see what it’s made of. ‘Cause then you can adjust, speak truth, and shift.
And that banishes “what if” fears and worries, every time.
So what do you need this truth flashlight on today?
Is it your marriage?
Is it your relationship with your kids?
Is it your family’s relationship with money?
Use the prompts, uncover the roots, and let yourself walk free.
Because you *don’t* have to live this confined-so-I-don’t-ever-break-something way again.
Let’s do this.