You know what’s wrong with current productivity thinking – even mom productivity thinking?
It’s that regular #momlife advice isn’t designed for the person juggling multiple priorities who ALSO wants to feel like she’s got all the time in the world.
You’ve got multiple kids, several extracurriculars, plus a job and/or volunteering opportunities that you’re involved in.
And the result is that you’ve got way too much going on, you’re constantly feeling stressed, and you’re regularly snapping at your kids….
All because you’ve got too much to do.
Because planners won’t help you use them (or get to everything precisely on the dot each hour).
Time charts, likewise – they only show you how much you’ve got to do and how easily this whole house of cards can come tumbling down if you don’t adhere precisely to the schedule laid out.
(Again, discipline – and no room for padding/margin for error.)
And “just do it” advice doesn’t help when you literally have too much to do! (Plus your self-imposed responsibility to do all the chores – or at least be the one to oversee them.)
Regular advice isn’t designed for the mom who ALSO wants to feel like she’s got all the time in the world.
So what needs to change? What CAN change, as a matter of fact?
2 things. First, ditch this notion that moms are perpetually doomed to struggle under the “too many things going on” bus.
You’re not.
And you’re going to prove this by changing one thing about your productivity life here in step 2.
And two? It’s that you don’t have to go by their thinking (the productivity gurus, that is).
Where is get up by 5:30am thinking hurting you?
Where is “clean floors all the time” thinking overloading you?
Where is “my kids have to be model citizens yet I have to do all the work” thinking pressuring you?
It doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t have to let it.
It wasn’t your fault; you didn’t know any different. They taught you to do #momlife this way.
This pressure-y, can’t get it all done, oh boy I’m a bad mom way.
But you don’t have to live like that anymore. You can change.
Are you ready to step out of that mold today?