Here’s why hoping someone will hold you accountable is the wrong way to go about it, look at your business, or solve your life problems.
Look: you are your own boss; start taking responsibility and showing up like it! You’re a grown-up, not a 3-year-old.
I shouldn’t have to be following up every day with you to see if you did your chores (aka biz to-do list plus supper food prep). If you swept the floor. If you took care of yourself with a shower. You have to be past that.
Timers are for reminders; coaches are not.
Now, absolutely, you’re allowed to ask for support – but you don’t need a drill instructor. An “accountability coach” (that’s a fancy way of saying a “business mother” to nag you).
And if you do, you’re in the wrong place as far as your personal maturity level right now. That’s the harsh truth, but there it is. You HAVE to be functioning as far as your daily needs, your daily ability to get food on the table in front of your family, etcetera.
It’s the tweaking, the fine tuning, the “I can’t ever seem to get myself through this” stuff that I help you brainstorm, completely sidestep, and find a whole ‘nother way around.
What you do need? To ask for support where you need it.
To say, “I’m struggling with putting too much on my to-do list.” (Not, “I need you to ask me every day about the 7 things I said I’d do.”)
To say, “I can get one or two things done from my business to-do list, but I’m not really sure that I picked the most urgent or important ones. Can you help?” (Not, “Can you write a launch plan for me from scratch?” That’s what a launch course is for.)
To say, “It’s really not working for me to record podcasts in the morning, but my kids are noisy in the afternoon and my episode bank is almost out. Help!” (Not, “Can you motivate me to record another episode?” Because if meeting your own deadlines as a business owner to serve your community isn’t motivation enough for you, then you need to fold that business at this time of your life.)
See the difference? I’m absolutely here to support you – but I WILL NOT turn into your business nag. Your “have you done this yet?” mother. I absolutely refuse to do so.
That’s not a healthy, empowering place for you to live – and that’s not going to foster a deep, trusting coaching relationship between the two of us.
We’re not master and slave. We’re consultant and amazing business owner. And YOU are the amazing business owner.
All right?